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7 Extra files

7.1 dtree.sty

The LaTeX-style file "dtree.sty" defines three environments: idtree for ID trees, lptree for LP trees and thgraph for TH graphs. ID trees (and TH graphs) are drawn as follows:


This results in the following tree depiction:

Example ID tree

In the idtree-environment, the command \node creates a node. It has three arguments: the first is the node's identification number (from now on just number), the second is the vertical position of the node in the tree (1 = top) and the third is the string corresponding to the node. The first node in the above example is defined as \node{1}{2}{Mary}: its identification number is 1, its vertical position is 2 (one position below the top node) and the corresponding string is Mary. Edges in the ID tree are drawn using the \edge-command: the first argument is the number of the mother and the second is the number of the daughter. The third argument denotes the edge label. The first edge in the example above is \edge{2}{1}{subj} and goes from node 2 to node 1 and is labeled with subj.

LP trees are drawn similarly. Here is an example:


Resulting in the following picture:

Example LP tree

There is only one difference between the idtree- and the lptree-environments, viz. that the \node-command in the latter has a fourth argument denoting the node label. The first node in the above example thus has node label n.

It is also possible to increase the spacing between two columns in either the idtree- and the lptree-environments by using the command \dtreeExtraColsep. \dtreeExtraColsep has two arguments: the first is the node whose corresponding column spacing is to be increased and the second is the length to add to the default column spacing. Here is an example:


Resulting in the following picture

Example ID tree with extra spacing

Here, the spacing between the first and the second column is increased by 20pt.

7.2 dg.el

This package also includes an emacs mode called dg defined in the file "dg.el". The emacs mode provides keyword highlighting for grammar files (extension "dg"). The emacs mode is activated for all files whose first line is:

// -*-dg-*-

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