Selection Constraint

Denys Duchier



The idea of the selection constraint is based on the intuitive notion of selecting the Ith element out of a sequence of values. Abstractly, we might write this as follows: X = <V1 ... Vn>[I] However, this is more than just: X = {Nth [V1 ... Vn] I} because it is intended to function as a constraint: all of X, V1, ..., Vn, and I can be variables (e.g. finite set variables). In particular, constraining X should restrict the values that I may take to only those positions in 1..n corresponding to elements Vk that are not yet inconsistent with X. Conversely, if all elements that may still be selected by I have a basic constraint in common, the latter should be propagated to V. This lifting of common information is a form of constructive disjunction.

As of version 1.3, this package also provides the selection union constraint: S = U<S1 ... Sn>[SI] where SI is a set variable of indices. Its declarative semantics is that S is the union of the sets Si for all i in SI.

As of version 1.5, this package also provides the selection intersection constraint: S = &<S1 ... Sn>[SI] where SI is a set variable of indices. Its declarative semantics is that S is the intersection of the sets Si for all i in SI.

As of version 1.6, this package provides the sequenced union constraint: S = (<<U)<S1 ... Sn> where S is the union of the sets Si which are additionally constrained to be sequential, i.e. for i<j all elements of Si are smaller than elements of Sj.

Version 1.8 - added indexed union constraint: S = IU<(I1,S1) ... (In,Sn)>[SI] which returns the union of the Sk for Ik in SI.


This package implements the selection constraint for homogenous vectors of finite domains or of finite sets, and the selection union constraint. It is available as a module that exports features fd, fs, and union:

import Select(fd fs union) at 'x-ozlib://duchier/cp/Select.ozf'

{Select.fd L I D}
L must be a vector (list, tuple, record) of integers and/or finite domain variables. I and D are nestable and will be constrained to finite domain variables if necessary.

{Select.fs L I S}
L must be a vector of finite set values or variables. Again, I and S are nestable and will be constrained respectively to a finite domain variable and a finite set variable if necessary.

{Select.union L SI S}
L must be a vector of finite set values or variables, SI a set value/variable selecting positions in L. Both SI and S are nestable.
{Select.inter L SI S}
L must be a vector of finite set values or variables, SI a set value/variable selecting positions in L. Both SI and S are nestable.
{Select.seqUnion L S}
S is the union of the Si in L. Furthermore the Si are constrained to be sequential, i.e. for i<j, all elements of Si must be smaller than elements of Sj.
{Select.indexedUnion L SI S}
L is either a list of Ik#Sk where Ik is an integer and Sk is a FS variable, or a record mapping features Ik to values Sk. S is constrained to be the union of the Sk for k in SI.

As of version 1.5, the Select module also exports features fdom and fset to distinguish between constraints according to the type of the sequence:

{Select.fdom.nth L I J}
{Select.fset.nth L I S}
{Select.fset.union L SI S}
{Select.fset.inter L SI S}
{Select.fset.seqUnion L S}
{Select.fset.indexedUnion L SI S}


Here is an example to help clarify what the selection constraint can do for you. Let's import the module implementing the selection constraint: declare [Select]={ ['x-ozlib://duchier/cp/Select.ozf']} Now we create 3 sets S1, S2, S3, and an index I ranging from 1 to 3 to select one of them. S1 contains just 5, S2 contains 1 and 21, and S3 contains 1 and 77: declare S1 = {FS.value.make [5]} S2 = {FS.value.make [1 21]} S3 = {FS.value.make [1 77]} I I::1#3 Now we define S to be the Ith element of the sequence of finite sets [S1 S2 S3]: declare S = {Select.fs [S1 S2 S3] I} Using Show, here is what is currently known about S and I: S{{}..{1 5 21 77}}#{1#2} I{1#3} Thus it is already known that S can have at most as elements integers 1, 5, 21 and 77; i.e. this information has been lifted to S. Now let's explicitly remove element 5: {FS.exclude 5 S} Now, here is what is known: S{{1}..{1 21 77}}#2 I{2 3} In other words, it has been noticed that I=1 would be inconsistent, thus this value has been removed from the domain of I. Furthermore S is now known to contain 1 and maybe 21 and 77. It is known to contain 1 because only S2 and S3 remain as possibilities and both contain 1.


Starting 5 Oct 2001, this contribution is only distributed as an ozmake package. To install this package, download it to a local file e.g. duchier-select.pkg on your computer, then invoke: ozmake --install --package=duchier-select.pkg If this package was already installed on your computer and you want to upgrade to a newer version, invoke: ozmake --upgrade --package=duchier-select.pkg or else ozmake will complain. By default ozmake installs all files in the user's ~/.oz directory tree.

Denys Duchier