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Node Attributes

A node is a record with features id, edges, kind, kinds, and some node attributes. These attributes are specified by DaVinci and taken over by this interface. We now specify the types of values of the attributes.

		 Node.'OBJECT' = VirtualString 
will be the text shown in the node (i.e. the label). Multi-line text is possible using \\n inside the attribute value. The default value for this attribute is the empty string.
		 Node.'INFO' = VirtualString 
This is used to define the tooltip text that appears after a delay when the mouse pointer is over the node.
(Only supported by DV-Presenter 3.0)
		 Node.'FONTFAMILY' = Family 
                 type Family = lucida + times + helvetica + courier 
This is used to visualize the text of a node in a different font.
(Only supported by DV-Presenter 3.0)
		 type Node.'FONTSTYLE' = Style
        	 type Style = normal + bold + italic + bold_italic 
This attribute is used to visualize the text of a node in a different font. The default is normal.
		 type Node.'COLOR' = Color
can be used to define the background color of a node. Color may be any X-Window colorname (see file lib/rgb.txt in your X11 directory) or any RGB color specification in a format like '#0f331e', where 0f is the hexadecimal value for the red part of the color, 33 is the green part and 1e is the blue. The default color for nodes is white.
		type Node.'CCOLOR' = Color
is used when the subgraph of the node is hidden, defaults to the value of 'COLOR'
		type Node.'_GO'    = GraphicalObject
                type GraphicalObject = box + circle + ellipse + rhombus + triangle + text 
                                       + invisible + icon + image + scissors 
particularizes the geometrical form of the nodes. The default is box
When using icon (DV Version 2.x) or image (DV-Presenter 3.0) an additional attribute (i.e. ICON or IMAGE) must be specified to declare the URI of the icon/image to be drawn into the node. scissors is usually used to display nodes with hidden subgraphs.
		type Node.'_CGO' = GraphicalObject
similar to '_GO', used when the subgraph of the node is hidden, defaults to scissors
		type Node.'ICONFILE' = URI
This is used as a supplement for attribute '_GO' when its value is set to icon .
		type Node.'CICONFILE' = URI
similar to 'ICONFILE', used when the subgraph of the node is hidden.
		type Node.'IMAGE' = URI
This is used as a supplement for attribute _GO when its value is set to image. Attribute 'IMAGE' specifies the file name of the image used to draw the node as icon. The URI specified in the attribute value must address a file in gif, xbm, xpm or bmp format. The Mozart resolver is resolving this URI into a file name.
(Only supported by DV-Presenter 3.0)
		type Node.'CIMAGE' = URI
similar to 'IMAGE', used when the subgraph of the node is hidden
(Only supported by DV-Presenter 3.0)
		type Node.'HIDDEN' = Bool
used to hide the subgraph of a node initially, defaults to false
		type Node.'BORDER' = none + single + double
defines the border of the graphical object (see attribute "_GO"), defaults to single
		type = list(MenuEntry)
states the menu entries that will be shown as a popup menu at the node
   type MenuEntry = menu_entry(MenuAction VirtualString) 
                   + submenu_entry(VirtualString MenuList)  
		   + node_entry(NodeAction VirtualString)
		   + submenu_node_entry(VirtualString MenuList)
                   + blank  
   type MenuAction    = Node x davinci -> 
   type NodeAction    = Node ->
MenuAction identifies the action to be executed when choosing this entry, the VirtualString represents the label of the entry (i.e. what is shown at the menu bar). The MenuAction is a procedure getting two arguments, the first being the Node, the second denoting the DaVinci environment built from the parameters. This enviroment will provide some defaults like removing items or changing attributes. NodeAction is a procedure getting as the only argument the value of the node. blank serves as a seperator. (cf.example2.oz)

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