Graph Data Structure and Basic Graph Algorithms

Sebastian Miele



This package provides For efficiency the package is implemented in C++. The implementation of the graph data structure permits an efficient copying of instances so that the graph package performs well with the Mozart garbage collection and the cloning of computation spaces.

Graphs are implemented using doubly linked lists over the nodes and the ingoing and outgoing edges of nodes. This provides constant time adding, removing, hiding and restoring of nodes and edges. Apart from that a graph instance can be efficiently viewed as both, directed and undirected. In the directed version you always consider only outgoing edges of a node. In the undirected version you consider ingoing and outgoing edges, incident edges for short. Similary you can view a graph instance simultanously as its transpose simply by considering the inedges of nodes instead of their outedges.

The package comes with a nice user interface that is similar to the interface of LEDA graphs.

Until now the following graph algorithms are available:

Oz-Library Style versus Object-as-Record Style

The data structures in this package are provided in two styles: the Oz-Library style and the object-as-record style.

The Oz library style is the same style as used in the Oz base environment. The idea is that the functions for all instances of a certain data structure are provided by a comon module. For example, the functionalities for all dictionaries are collected in the module Dictionary. If we want to apply such a function to a concrete dictionary like EnglishToGerman then we have to access that function from the module and pass the concrete dictionary as an argument. For instance:

   {Dictionary.get EnglishToGerman hi}
In the object-as-record style, each instance is modelled as a record of functions. In other words, each instance of a data structure carries its own functions. The above example becomes:
   {EnglishToGerman.get hi}

This package provides graphs in the object-as-record style at the URI x-ozlib://smiele/graph/graph.ozf. Procedures implementing graph algorithms always show up as features in the instace's record. Node arrays and edge arrays returns by graphs in object-as-record style are also in oject-as-record style. So if you prefer to use the object-as-record style, you will only need this single functor.

Versions in the Oz-library style are available at the URIs x-ozlib://smiele/graph/lib/graph.ozf, x-ozlib://smiele/graph/lib/node-array.ozf and x-ozlib://smiele/graph/lib/edge-array.ozf.


We first show how to use a graph in object-as-record style. Here, the graph G is a record of functions newNode, newEdge, indeg, ... .

      [Graph] = {Link ['x-ozlib://smiele/graph/graph.ozf']}
      [Dict]  = {Link ['x-ozlib://base/dictionary.ozf']}
      G = {}
      LitToNode = {}
      {ForAll [n1 n2 n3 n4 n5]
       proc{$ X}
          %% create a new node in G with the label X and store
          %% a mapping from X to the node in LitToNode
          {LitToNode.put X {G.newNode X}}

      %% add edges so that we get the smallest graph that is
      %% 2-edge connected but not 2-node/bi connected
      {ForAll [n1#n2 n2#n3 n3#n1 n3#n4 n4#n5 n5#n3]
       proc{$ E}
          {G.newEdge {LitToNode.get E.1} {LitToNode.get E.2} unit _}

       %% inspect the labels of the cut nodes in G (i.e. [n3])
       {Inspect {Map {G.bccs}.cutNodes G.nodeLabel}}

       %% inspect the number of the bridges in G (i.e. 0)
       {Inspect {Length {G.beccs}.bridges}}
Note: the functor x-ozlib://base/dictionary.ozf provides object-as-record style dictionaries and is provided by the mogul:/niehre/base package.

Here is how to do the same using the in the Oz-library style functors. Now a graph G is the first argument expected by the functions in the functor lib/graph.ozf:

      [Graph] = {Link ['x-ozlib://smiele/graph/lib/graph.ozf']}
      [Dict]  = {Link ['x-ozlib://base/dictionary.ozf']}
      G = {}
      LitToNode = {}
      {ForAll [n1 n2 n3 n4 n5]
       proc{$ X}
          %% create a new node in G with the label X and store
          %% a mapping from X to the node in LitToNode
          {LitToNode.put X {Graph.newNode G X}}

      %% add edges so that we get the smallest graph that is
      %% 2-edge connected but not 2-node connected
      {ForAll [n1#n2 n2#n3 n3#n1 n3#n4 n4#n5 n5#n3]
       proc{$ E}
          {Graph.newEdge G {LitToNode.get E.1} {LitToNode.get E.2} unit _}

       %% inspect the labels of the cut nodes in G (i.e. [n3])
       {Inspect {Map {Graph.bccs G}.cutNodes
                 fun{$ N} {Graph.nodeLabel G N} end}}

       %% inspect the number of the bridges in G (i.e. 0)
       {Inspect {Length {Graph.beccs G}.bridges}}


We will use the following variable names:
G, G1, ...for graphs (in object as record style)
N, N1, ...for nodes
E, E1, ...for edges
NA, NA1, ...for node arrays (in object-as-record style)
EA, EA1, ...for edge arrays (in object-as-record style)
NM, NM1, ...for node matrices (in object-as-record style)
EM, EM1, ...for edge matrices (in object-as-record style)
I, I1, ...for integers
B, B1, ...for boolean values
R, R1, ...for records
X, X1, ...for arbitrary values

For lists over elements of a certain type we will simply append an s to the characteristic variable name of the element type. For example we will write Es for a list of edges.

Many procedures have preconditions. These preconditions are checked preconditions, i.e. if a call to a procedure does not satisfy a precondition then an exception is raised.

The structure of the manual is as follows:

We will use the object-as-record style variants for explanation because procedure types are smaller and therefore more concise. At end of each section the use the corresponding Oz-library style procedures is explained briefly.


A graph G basically consists of a set Ns of nodes and a set Es of edges. An edge E basically consists of a source node N1 and a target node N2, where N1 and N2 must be members of Ns. Every node and every edge also has a label. Different graphs G1 and G2 have disjoint sets of nodes and edges. So every node and every edge has exactly one graph it belongs to.

An edge with source N1 and target N2is an outgoing edge of N1 and an ingoing edge of N2. An edge E is incident to a node N iff N is E's source or target.

A node or edge can be either visible, hidden or deleted. We say that a node N is

If a node is hidden then all its incident edges must be hidden, too. Similary all edges of a deleted node must be deleted. The implementations of hideNode and del automatically take care of this detail.

Nodes and edges of a graph have unique representations in Oz. Using == you can test two nodes or edges for token equality. Two nodes/edges are token equal iff they belong to the same graph and are the same node/edge in that graph.


Let Graph be the module linked from x-ozlib://smiele/graph/graph.ozf.

G={} creates a new and empty graph instance G
G1={G.clone} creates a clone G1 of G

In Oz-library style you have to link the functor x-ozlib://smiele/graph/lib/graph.ozf under some varible GraphLib. Then you can use G = {} to create a new and empty graph in Oz-library style and G1 = {GraphLib.clone G} to create a clone of G in G1.


N= {G.newNode X} adds a new node N to G and sets its label to X
   {G.delNode N} removes the node N from G
Precondition: N is valid in G
   {G.hideNode N} hides the node N and all visible edges incident to N
Precondition: N is visible in G
   {G.restoreNode N} restores a hidden node N, e.g. makes it visible; note that this operation does not restore the edges that have been hidden by {G.hideNode N}
Precondition: N is hidden in G
   {G.setNodeLabel N X} sets the label of node N to X
Precondition: N is valid in G
E= {G.newEdge N1 N2 X} adds a new edge E with source N1 and target N2 to G and sets its label to X
   {G.delEdge E} removes the edge E from G
Precondition: E is valid in G
   {G.hideEdge E} hides the edge E
Precondition: E is visible in G
   {G.restoreEdge E} restores a hidden edge E, e.g. makes it visible
Precondition: E is hidden in G
   {G.setEdgeLabel E X} sets the label of edge E to X
Precondition: E is valid in G


Ns= {G.nodes} returns a list of all visible nodes in G
I= {G.nodeCount} returns the number of all visible edges in G
X= {G.nodeLabel N} returns the label of the node N
Precondition: N is valid in G
Es= {G.inEdges N} returns a list of all ingoing edges of N
Precondition: N is visible in G
Es= {G.outEdges N} returns a list of all outgoing edges of N
Precondition: N is visible in G
Es= {G.incEdges N} returns the list of all edges incident to N
Precondition: N is visible in G
I= {G.indeg N} returns the number of all ingoing edges of N
Precondition: N is visible in G
I= {G.outdeg N} returns the number of all outgoing edges of N
Precondition: N is visible in G
I= { N} returns the number of all edges incident to N
Precondition: N is visible in G
B= {G.isVisibleNode N} tests whether N is visible in G
Precondition: N is valid in G
B= {G.isHiddenNode N} tests whether N is hidden in G
Precondition: N is valid in G
B= {G.isValidNode N} tests whether N is valid in G, e.g. whether it belongs to G and is not deleted.
Es= {G.edges} returns a list of all edges in G
I= {G.edgeCount} returns the number of all edges in G
N= {G.source E} returns the source node N of E, i.e. the node for which E is an outgoing edge
Precondition: E is valid in G
N= { E} returns the target node of E, i.e. the node for which E is an ingoing edge
Precondition: E is valid in G
N1= {G.opposite N E} returns the target of E if N is the source of E; otherwise E's source is returned
Precondition: E is valid in G
B= {G.edgeLabel E} returns the label of E
Precondition: E is valid in G
{G.isVisibleEdge E}
tests whether E is visible in G
Precondition: E is valid in G
B= {G.isHiddenEdge E} tests whether E is hidden in G
Precondition: E is valid in G
I= {G.isValidEdge E} tests whether E is valid in G, e.g. whether it belongs to G and is not deleted.

Procedures for hidden nodes and edges:

Ns= {G.hiddenNodes} returns a list of all hidden nodes in G
I= {G.hiddenNodeCount} returns the number of all hidden nodes in G
Es= {G.hiddenEdges} returns a list of all hidden edges in G
I= {G.hiddenEdgeCount} returns the number of all hidden edges in G
Es= {G.hiddenInEdges N} returns a list of all ingoing edges of N that are hidden
Precondition: N is valid in G
Es= {G.hiddenOutEdges N} returns a list of all outgoing edges of N that are hidden
Precondition: N is valid in G
Es= {G.hiddenIncEdges N} returns a list of all hidden edges that are incident to N
Precondition: N is valid in G
I= {G.hiddenIndeg N} returns the number of all hidden ingoing edges of N
Precondition: N is valid in G
I= {G.hiddenOutdeg N} returns the number of all hidden outgoing edges of N
Precondition: N is valid in G
I= {G.hiddenDegree N} returns the number of all hidden edges incident to N
Precondition: N is valid in G

In order to apply any of the the above procedures to a graph G in Oz-library style, for example outEdges of a node N, use {GraphLib.outEdges G N} (where GraphLib is the module obtained by linking the functor x-ozlib://smiele/graph/lib/graph.ozf).

Node Arrays

A node array is a mutable data structure that maps the nodes of a graph to arbitrary values. Node arrays are implemented efficiently on the basis of vectors, so access and modification take constant time (except when the vectors must be resized in order to map new nodes added to the graph).

In object-as-record style you can create a new node array NA that maps each node of a graph G to some initial value InitX with NA = {G.newNodeArray InitX}. In Oz-library style you use { G InitX} (where NALib is the module obtained by linking x-ozlib://smiele/graph/lib/node-array.ozf).

Node arrays are dynamic. This means that you can

  1. create a node array NA that maps the nodes of a graph G to some intial value InitX
  2. and then add some new nodes N1, ... to the graph.

After that the node array automatically maps the new nodes N1, ..., too. E.g. the underlying vector becomes resized to fit the new demands. But you cannot be sure to which values the new nodes are mapped. It could be the initial value InitX or the value of some node that has been deleted previously. This is because the graph data structure internally uses a numbering of nodes and edges. Numbers of deleted nodes or edges are reused when new nodes or edges are added to the graph. Node arrays simply use these numbers and nothing else. So they cannot distinguish between a node that has been deleted and a new node that got the number of the deleted node.

The following procedures are available for node arrays:

NA1= {NA.clone} returns a clone of NA in NA1.
   {NA.put N X} sets the value of NA under the node N to X
X= {NA.get N} returns the value of NA under the node N
   {NA.collect N X} is semantically equal to {NA.put N X|{NA.get N}}
   { N} is semantically equal to {NA.put N 1+{NA.get N}}
Precondition: {NA.get N} is an integer

In order to apply any of the above procedures to a node array NA in Oz-library style, for example inc for some node N, call { NA N} (where NALib is the module obtained by linking x-ozlib://smiele/graph/lib/node-array.ozf).

Edge Arrays

Edge arrays are almost equal to node arrays. Given a graph G in object-as-record style and an initial value InitX you can create a new edge array EA with EA = {G.newEdgeArray InitX}.

Given a graph G in Oz-library style you get a new edge array EA in Oz-library style with EA = { G InitX} (where EALib is the module obtained by linking x-ozlib://smiele/graph/lib/edge-array.ozf).

Node Matrices

A node matrix is a mutable data structure that maps every pair of a graph's nodes to an arbitrary value. Node matrices are implemented efficiently on the basis of vectors, so access and modification take constant time (except when the matrix has to be resized in order to map pairs containing new nodes added to the graph).

In object-as-record style you can create a new node matrix NM that maps each pair of nodes of a graph G to some initial value InitX with NM = {G.newNodeMatrix InitX}. In Oz-library style you use { G InitX} (where NMLib is the module obtained by linking x-ozlib://smiele/graph/lib/node-matrix.ozf).

Node matrices, like node arrays, are dynamic, but a similar restriction concerning the initial value applies. When you create a new node matrix from a graph and then add a new node you cannot rely on the node matrix to contain the initial value at node pairs that contain the new node. Instead the node matrix may contain the value of some previously deleted node.

The following procedures are available for node matrices:

NM1= {NM.clone} returns a clone of NM in NM1.
   {NM.put N1 N2 X} sets the value of NM under (N1,N2) to X
X= {NM.get N1 N2} returns the value of NM under (N1,N2)
   {NM.collect N1 N2 X} is semantically equal to {NM.put N1 N2 X|{NM.get N1 N2}}
   { N1 N2} is semantically equal to {NM.put N1 N2 1+{NM.get N1 N2}}
Precondition: {NM.get N1 N2} is an integer

In order to apply any of the above procedures to a node matrix NM in Oz-library style, for example inc for some pair of nodes (N1,N2), call { NM N1 N2} (where NMLib is the module obtained by linking x-ozlib://smiele/graph/lib/node-matrix.ozf).

Edge Matrices

Edge matrices are almost equal to node matrices. Given a graph G in object-as-record style and an initial value InitX you can create a new edge matrix EM with EM = {G.newEdgeMatrix InitX}.

Given a graph G in Oz-library style you get a new edge matrix EM in Oz-library style with EM = { G InitX} (where EMLib is the module obtained by linking x-ozlib://smiele/graph/lib/edge-matrix.ozf).


All algorithms consider only the visible nodes and edges of a graph.

Topological Sorting

A topological sort of a directed acyclic graph G is a function Ord : {G.nodes} -> [1..{G.nodeCount}] so that for every edge with source N1 and target N2 {Ord N1}<{Ord N2} holds.

This package provides two functions for topological sorting. Ord = {G.topologicalSort} returns a function as described above or the atom 'cyclic' if G is cyclic.

B = {G.makeTopologicallySorted} returns a boolean value indicating whether G is cyclic. As a side effect G's nodes and each node's outedges are sorted topologically. This means that after-wards the list Ns = {G.nodes} is sortet and for every node N of G the list {G.outEdges N} is sorted based on the targets of the edges.

The running time of both functions on a graph G with nodes Ns and edges Es is in O(|Ns|+|Es|)..

Weakly Connected Components, Strongly Connected Components

A weakly/strongly connected graph is an undirected/directed graph that has an undirected/directed path between every two nodes. A weakly/strongly connected component of a graph G is a maximal subgraph of G that is weakly/strongly connected. The weakly/strongly connected components of a graph G provide a proper partition of G's nodes.

This package's implementation of weakly/strongly connected components computes the number I of components and a function that maps each node to the number of its component. The components are numbered from 1 to I. The value returned is a record of the follwing type:

   unit(count : int
        num   : node -> int)
The item under count is the total number of components I and the item under num is the function that returns the component number of a given node.

For a graph G in object-as-record style you can compute the weakly/strongly connected components R with R = {G.wccs} or R = {G.sccs}. In Oz-library style use R = {GraphLib.wccs G} or R = {GraphLib.wccs G}.

The running times of the algorithms on a graph G with nodes Ns and edges Es are in O(|Ns|+|Es|).

2-Node Connected Components alias Biconnected Components

A biconnected graph is a weakly connected undirected graph that remains weakly connected if any of its nodes is removed. An equivalent definition is that between every two distinct nodes there must exist two node-distjoint paths. A biconnected component of a graph G is a maximal subgraph of G that is biconnected. Biconnected components of a graph G with no self-loop edges (edges that have equal source and target) provide a proper partition of G's edges.

A cut node of G is a node that, iff removed, separates a weakly connected subgraph of G in at least two disjoint weakly connected subgraphs.

This packages's implementation of biconnected componets computes the number I of biconnected components and numbers the components from 1 to I. Apart from that a list of all cut nodes is computed. The value returned is a record of the following type:

   unit(count    : int
        num      : edge -> int
        cutNodes : node list)
The item under count is the number I of components. The item under num is a function that, given a non-self-loop edge, returns the number of the component the edge belongs to. If the function is feeded with a self-loop edge then it returns 0 (which is not in the range 1..I of componet numbers). If the graph has J isolated nodes (nodes that have no incident edges), then numbers returned by num are always smaller than or equal to I-J. The item under cutNodes is a list of all cut nodes.

For a graph G in object-as-record style you can compute the biconnected components R with R = {G.bccs}. In Oz-library style use R = {GraphLib.bccs G}.

The running time of the algorithm on a graph G with nodes Ns and edges Es is in O(|Ns|+|Es|).

2-Edge Connected Components

A 2-edge connected graph is a weakly connected graph that remains weakly connected if any of its edges is removed. An equivalent definition is that between every two distinct nodes there must exist two edge-distjoint paths. A 2-edge connected component of a graph G is a maximal subgraph of G that is 2-edge connected. 2-edge connected components of a graph G provide a proper partition of G's nodes.

A bridge in G is an edge that, iff removed, separates a weakly connected subgraph of G in at least two disjoint weakly connected subgraphs.

This packages's implementation of 2-edge connected componets computes the number I of 2-edge connected components and numbers the components from 1 to I. Apart from that a list of all bridges is computed. The value returned is a record of the following type:

   unit(count   : int
        num     : node -> int
        bridges : node list)
The item under count is the number I of components. The item under num is a function that, given an node N, returns the number of the component N belongs to. The item under cutNodes is a list of all cut nodes.

For a graph G in object-as-record style you can compute the 2-edge connected components R with R = {G.beccs}. In Oz-library style use R = {GraphLib.beccs G}.

The running time of the algorithm on a graph G with nodes Ns and edges Es is in O(|Ns|+|Es|).

Transitive Closure (Reachability Relation)

The reachability relation Reach of a directed graph G is a binary relation on the set of G's nodes. (N1,N2) is in Reach iff there exists a directed path from N1 to N2 in G.

This package's implementation of reflexive, transitive closure computes the characteristic function F : node x node -> bool of Reach, i.e. it computes a function that takes two nodes N1 and N2 and returns true iff G contains a path from N1 to N2. Additionally, if G is acyclic then G is sorted topologically.

For a graph G in object-as-record style you can compute the characteristic function F of G's reachablity relation with F = {G.reachability}. In Oz-library style use F = {GraphLib.reachability G}.

The running time of the algorithm on a graph G with nodes Ns and edges Es is in O(|Ns|^3). More precisely, the running time on an acyclic graph with irredundant edges Es' is in O(|Ns|+|Es|+|Es'|*|Ns|) (the irredundant edges of an acyclic graph G are the edges of G's transitive reduction, see below). On a cyclic graph the running time is in O(|Ns|^2+k^3) where k is the number of G's strongly connected components.

Acyclic Transitive Reduction (Redundant Edges)

The transitive reduction G' of a directed acyclic graph G (that does not contain two edges with equal source and target) is the minimal subgraph of G that has the same reflexive, transitive closure. I.e. G' equals G except that it does not contain G's redundant edges (an edge E from N1 to N2 is redundant iff there already is a path with length at least 2 from N1 to N2 that does not use E).

This package's implementation of transitive reduction computes a list of a graph's redundant edges. As a side effect G is sorted topologically. Important: If for two nodes N1 and N2 the graph contains several edges with source N1 and target N2 all but one (random choice) of these edges are considered redundant.

For a directed acyclic graph G in object-as-record style you can compute the redundant edges Es with Es = {G.redundantEdges}. In Oz-library style use Es = {GraphLib.redundantEdges G}. If G is cyclic then {G.redundantEdges} returns the atom 'cyclic'.

The running time of the algorithm on a directed acyclic graph G with nodes Ns and edges Es is in O(|Ns|^3). More precisely, the running time is in O(|Ns|+|Es|+|Es'|*|Ns|), where Es' are the irredundant edges of G, i.e. Es' = Es - {G.redundantEdges}.

Isolated Nodes

An isolated node in a graph G is a node that has no incident edges. This package provides a procedure that computes a record of the following type:

   unit(count : int
        nodes : node list)
The item under count is the total number of isolated nodes. The item under nodes is a list of all isolated nodes.

To obtain such a record R for a graph G in object-as-record style use R = {G.isolatedNodes}. In Oz-library style use R = {GraphLib.isolatedNodes G}.

The running time of the algorithm on a graph G with nodes Ns and edges Es is in O(|Ns|+|Es|).

Isolated Edges

An isolated edge E with source N1 and target N2 is an edge such that N1 and N2 have no incident edges other than E. This package provides a procedure that computes a record of the following type:

   unit(count : int
        edges : node list)
The item under count is the total number of isolated edges. The item under edges is a list of all isolated edges.

To obtain such a record R for a graph G in object-as-record style use R = {G.isolatedEdges}. In Oz-library style use R = {GraphLib.isolatedEdges G}.

The running time of the algorithm on a graph G with nodes Ns and edges Es is in O(|Ns|+|Es|).


Download the file smiele-graph.pkg from the Mogul. Then execute ozmake --freshen --package=smiele-graph.pkg

In case that you did not already install mogul:/duchier/ozmake on your machine, note that it is also available in the Mogul.

Sebastian Miele