7.2 Strings

The module String contains procedures operating on strings. Strings are lists whose elements are characters (see Section 7.1).


{String.is +X ?B}

tests whether X is string.


{String.toAtom +S ?A}

converts a string S to an atom A. S must not contain NUL characters. This is the inverse of Atom.toString (which see).


{String.isAtom +S ?B}

tests whether the string S can be converted to an atom.


{String.toInt +S ?I}

converts a string S to an integer I, according to Oz concrete syntax. See also IntToString.


{String.isInt +S ?B}

tests whether the string S can be converted to an integer.


{String.toFloat +S ?F}

converts a string S to a float F, according to Oz concrete syntax. See also FloatToString.


{String.isFloat +S ?B}

tests whether the string S can be converted to a float.


{String.token +S1 X ?S2 ?S3}

splits the string S1 into two substrings S2 and S3. S2 will contain all characters before the first occurence of X, S3 all remaining characters with X excluded. If X does not occur in S1, then S2 will be equal to S1 and S3 will be the empty string.

For example,

{String.token "a:b:c" &: S1 S2}

binds S1 to "a" and S2 to "b:c".


{String.tokens +S X ?Ss}

splits the string S into substrings Ss delimited by occurrences of X in S. Note that the final empty string will be omitted if the last element of S is an X.

For example,

{String.tokens "a:bb:cc:d:" &:}

returns ["a" "bb" "cc" "d"].

Denys Duchier, Leif Kornstaedt and Christian Schulte
Version 1.4.0 (20080702)