4 An Example of a Server Directory

Andreas Sundström

This contribution is meant primarily to work as an example of how one can use the module Discovery and build a yellow pages service. The directory service consists out of three parts: a directory server, an interface to announce services, and a way to find announced services.

All services have descriptions. When a lookup is performed, a pattern is given to specify what to look for. The result of the lookup are services that have descriptions matching the pattern. Both descriptions and patterns are Oz records.

So what does it mean that a description match a pattern? All features in a pattern must be present in the description. If a field in the pattern has a value, then it must be either equal or match to a corresponding field in the description. For example, f(a:1 b:g(x:5 y:7) c:28 d:foo) does match f(c:28 b:g d:_), but not the other way around.

One could say that a pattern puts constraints on a matching description. Our form of pattern puts constraints on the label and features of the description.

4.1 The ExampleDirectory Module

The module has three classes under features (server, serviceProvider and client), which corresponds to the three parts mentioned earlier.

The class ExampleDirectory.server has following methods:


init(port:PortNr <= useDefault
ClientId <= unit  
ServerId <= directory(kind:recordMatching))

This method starts a directory server. The initial contact between a client (or service provider) and the server is made through the ip port PortNr. The default ip port number is Discovery.defaultPortNumber. After the first contact has been performed, all subsequent interactions are done using Oz ports.

ServerId is a record explaining which type of directory server it is.

ClientId is a record used to specify which clients should be served. If a client id sent from a client (or service provider) matches ClientId, the client will be served. If the feature expectedClientId is not specified the server will serve every client requesting service.



Closes the operation of the server.

The class ExampleDirectory.serviceProvider has following methods:


init(serverPort:PortNr <= useDefault
ClientId <= unit  
ServerId <= directory(kind:recordMatching)  
TimeOut <= 1000)

This method broadcasts to the ip port PortNr and waits for answers from servers that listen to it. The servers that answer and which id matches ServerId will be used by the other methods of this class.

When interacting with the servers, ClientId will be used as identification. The method will not consider answers received after TimeOut milliseconds has gone by.


Key <= _)

This method announces a service with a description Desc. Ticket is a ticket to an Oz-entity that is used as an interface to the service. An Oz name that can be used to remove the service from the directories is returned.



Tells the servers to remove a service with the key Key.

The class ExampleDirectory.client has following methods:


init(serverPort:PortNr <= useDefault
ClientId <= unit 
ServerId <= directory(kind:recordMatching)
TimeOut <= 1000)

Similar to ExampleDirectory.serviceProvider.


lookup(pattern:Pattern services:?Services)

Asks servers for services that match the Pattern. A list of pairs is returned. Those pairs consist of a service description and its ticket.

Denys Duchier and Leif Kornstaedt
Version 1.4.0 (20080702)