1.9 Auxiliary Interface Functions


void OZ_gCollectTerm(OZ_Term &t);

During garbage collection this function updates the reference t to a term on the heap. This is typically required when the member function gCollect() of a propagator is invoked.


void OZ_gCollectBlock(OZ_Term * frmOZ_Term * toconst int n);

During garbage collection this function updates the n elememts in frm and stores them in to.


OZ_Term * OZ_gCollectAllocBlock(int n, OZ_Term * frm);

During garbage collection this function updates the n elements in frm and returns a pointer to the updates. The updates are stored in freshly allocated heap memory.


void OZ_sCloneTerm(OZ_Term &t);

During cloning this function updates the reference t to a term on the heap. This is typically required when the member function sClone() of a propagator is invoked.


void OZ_sCloneBlock(OZ_Term * frmOZ_Term * toconst int n);

During cloning this function updates the n elememts in frm and stores them in to.


OZ_Term * OZ_sCloneAllocBlock(int n, OZ_Term * frm);

During cloning this function updates the n elements in frm and returns a pointer to the updates. The updates are stored in freshly allocated heap memory.


OZ_Boolean OZ_isPosSmallInt(OZ_Term val);

This function returns OZ_TRUE if val denotes an integer contained in the finite set \{0, \ldots, \mbox{\tt OZ\_getFDSup()}\}. Otherwise it returns OZ_FALSE.


OZ_Term * OZ_hallocOzTerms(int n);

This function allocates a block of heap memory for n items of type OZ_Term and returns a pointer to the block.


char * OZ_hallocChars(int n);

This function allocates a block of heap memory for n items of type char and returns a pointer to the block.


int * OZ_hallocCInts(int n);

This function allocates a block of heap memory for n items of type int and returns a pointer to the block.


void OZ_hfreeOzTerms(OZ_Term * tsint n);

The function frees the heap memory allocated by OZ_hallocOzTerms(). The first argument ts points to a memory block and the value of n must denote the correct size of the block.


void OZ_hfreeCInts(int * isint n);

The function frees the heap memory allocated by OZ_hallocCInts. The first argument is points to a memory block and the value of n must denote the correct size of the block.


void OZ_hfreeChars(char * isint n);

The function frees the heap memory allocated by OZ_hallocChars(). The first argument is points to a memory block and the value of n must denote the correct size of the block.


int * OZ_copyCInts(int nint * is);

Copies n ints from is and returns the location of the copy. If n is equal to 0 it returns (int *) NULL.


char * OZ_copyChars(int nchar * cs);

Copies n chars from cs and returns the location of the copy. If n is equal to 0 it returns (char *) NULL.


int * OZ_findEqualVars(int szOZ_Term * ts);

The function expects ts to be a pointer to an OZ_Term array of size sz. It returns an array of ints indicating variables which are equal. Suppose that the ith field of the returned array holds one of the following values.




The term stored at that position is not a variable.


This is the first occurrence of a variable stored in the array at position i.

j \neq i

This is a repeated occurrence of a variable stored at position j in the array.

The first occurrence can be found at position j.

The returned int array is statically allocated, i. e. it is overridden on every invocation. For details see Section 1.7.1 of ``The Mozart Constraint Extensions Tutorial''.


OZ_Boolean OZ_isEqualVars(OZ_Term v1OZ_Term v2);

This function returns OZ_TRUE if v1 and v2 refer to the same variable. Otherwise it returns OZ_FALSE.


int * OZ_findSingletons(int szOZ_Term * ts);

The function expects ts to be a pointer to an OZ_Term array of size sz which expects its elements to refer to finite domain variables. It returns an array of ints indicating variables which are singletons. Suppose that the ith field of the returned array holds one of the following values.



\geq 0

The term stored at that position is a singleton.


The term stored at that position is still a finite domain variable.

The returned int array is statically allocated, i. e. it is overridden on every invocation.


OZ_Return OZ_typeErrorCPI(char * __typeString,
                          int pos,  
                          char * comment);

The return value of this function indicates the runtime system that an exception has to be raised. The message printed is composed using the posth substring of __typeString and comment.


int OZ_getFDInf(void);

This function returns the value of the smallest element a finite domain which is represented by an instance of the class OZ_FiniteDomain can take. The value returned is 0.


int OZ_getFDSup(void);

This function returns the value of the largest element a finite domain which is represented by an instance of the class OZ_FiniteDomain can take. The value returned is 134\;217\;726.


int OZ_getFSetInf(void);

This function returns the value of the smallest element a finite set value which is represented by an instance of the class OZ_FSetValue can take. The value returned is 0.


int OZ_getFSetSup(void);

This function returns the value of the largest element a finite set value which is represented by an instance of the class OZ_FSetValue can take. The value returned is 134\;217\;726.


OZ_Term OZ_fsetValue(OZ_FSetValue * fsv);

This function converts the finite set value fsv to the corresponding OZ_Term.


OZ_FSetValue * OZ_fsetValueToC(OZ_Term fsv);

This function converts fsv, referring to a finite set value, to a pointer to the finite set value.


int OZ_vectorSize(OZ_Term t);

This function returns the size of a vector. In case t is no vector it returns -1.


returned value


The value returned is 0.


he value returned is the length of the list.


The value returned is the arity of the tuple.


The value returned is the number of features of the record.


OZ_Term * OZ_getOzTermVector(OZ_Term t, OZ_Term * v);

This function expects t to be a vector and v to be an array with minimal OZ_vectorSize(t) elements. It converts t to an OZ_Term array and returns a pointer to the next free position in the array v after converting t. In case t is no vector the function returns NULL.


int * OZ_getCIntVector(OZ_Term tint * v);

This function expects t to be a vector of small integers and v to be an array with minimal OZ_vectorSize(t) elements. It converts t to an int array and returns a pointer to the next free position in the array v after converting t. In case t is no vector the function returns NULL.

Tobias Müller
Version 1.4.0 (20080702)