11 Chat Server and Client

Denys Duchier

[ Start Server | Start Client | How to enable Applets ]

Starting a Chat Server

First a window pops up and prompts you for a file name in which to save the ticket which enables clients to join the chat session. If you want the ticket to be accessible to other clients on the internet, you could create a file that can be accessed through your http server. For example, if I ask the server to save the ticket into file /home/duchier/public_html/chien.et.chat then this ticket becomes available under my home page at url http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/~duchier/chien.et.chat

After the server has started, it leaves on your screen a button that allows you to shut it down.

Starting a Client

When you start a client, it pops up a window where you must enter the filename or URL where the ticket can be found for the chat server to which you want to connect. It also allows you to edit the user name and host name which are used to identify you in the chat session. This identity is simply used as prefix to the messages that you post so that everybody may know who said what; it has no other purpose.

Version 1.4.0 (20080702)