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A finite domain is a finite set of nonnegative integers. The notation stands for the finite domain
A constraint is a formula of predicate logic. Here are typical examples of constraints occurring with finite domain problems:
domain constraints
A domain constraint takes the form , where
is a finite domain. Domain constraints can express constraints of the form
is equivalent to
basic constraints
A basic constraint takes one of the following forms: ,
, or
, where
is a finite domain.
finite domain problems
A finite domain problem is a finite set of quantifier-free constraints such that
contains a domain constraint for every variable occurring in a constraint of
. A variable assignment is a function mapping variables to integers.
A solution of a finite domain problem is a variable assignment that satisfies every constraint in
Notice that a finite domain problem has at most finitely many solutions, provided we consider only variables that occur in the problem (since the problem contains a finite domain constraint for every variable occurring in it).
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