7.6 Conversion

The following functions are used to convert from Oz values to C data structures and vice versa.


OZ_Term OZ_atom(char *s)

Converts C string s to an Oz atom.


char *OZ_atomToC(OZ_Term t)

Converts Oz atom t to a C string.


OZ_Term OZ_int(int i)

Converts C integer i to an Oz integer.


int OZ_intToC(OZ_Term t)

Converts Oz integer t to a C integer. If the Oz integer doesn't fit into the C integer, the maximal resp. minimal C integer values are used.


char *OZ_parseInt(char *s)

Parse s as an Oz integer. Returns a pointer to the next character after the integer or null if s does not start with an integer in Oz syntax (see ``The Oz Notation'').


OZ_Term OZ_CStringToInt(char *s)

Converts C string s to an Oz integer. s must be a valid integer in Oz syntax (see ``The Oz Notation'').


double OZ_floatToC(OZ_Term t)

Converts Oz float t to a C float.


OZ_Term OZ_float(double f)

Converts C float f to an Oz float.


int OZ_boolToC(OZ_Term t)

Returns non-zero iff t is equal to true.


char *OZ_parseFloat(char *s)

Parse s as an Oz float. Returns a pointer to the next character after the float or null if s is not an float in Oz syntax (see ``The Oz Notation'').


OZ_Term OZ_CStringToFloat(char *s)

Converts C string s to an Oz float. s must be a valid float in Oz syntax (see ``The Oz Notation'').


OZ_Term OZ_CStringToNumber(char *s)

Converts C string s to an Oz number. s must be a valid integer or float in Oz syntax (see ``The Oz Notation'').


char *OZ_toC(OZ_Term tint depthint width)

Converts any Oz term t to an C string. This functions doesn't check for cycles. A depth of n means that trees are printed to a depth limit of n only, deeper subtrees are abbreviated by ,,,. A width of n means that for lists at most n elements and for records at most n fields are printed, the unprinted elements and fields are printed by ,,,.


OZ_Term OZ_string(char *s)

Converts C string s to an Oz string.


char *OZ_stringToC(OZ_Term tint *n)

Converts Oz string t to a C string and returns in n the length of string.


char *OZ_virtualStringToC(OZ_Term tint *n)

Converts Oz virtual string t to a C string. The returned value is overridden with the next invocation of this function.

Michael Mehl, Tobias Müller, Christian Schulte and Ralf Scheidhauer
Version 1.4.0 (20080702)