Functional Queues

Denys Duchier


This module provides a functional implemention of queues


The modules exports the following constructors:

{ ?Q}
returns a new functional queue instance Q, currently empty
{Queue.newFromList +L ?Q}
returns a new functional queue instance Q, initialized with the elements of list L

Instance API

Each functional queue instance Q has the following features:

{Q.get ?V}
returns the next value V available from Q, or raises exception empty if none
{Q.put +V}
enters a new value V into the queue
{Q.getPut ?Old +New}
atomically, gets the next value Old available from Q and enters the value New. If Q was empty, New is Old and Q is still empty
{ ?V}
returns the next value V available from Q without actually removing it from Q
{Q.toList ?L}
returns the list L of all values in Q
{Q.toListKill ?L}
returns the list L of all values in Q and makes Q unusable until a subsequent {Q.reset}. This is more efficient that {Q.toList ?L} because no copy is required
{Q.isEmpty ?B}
returns true iff Q is empty
discards Q's content and resets it to an empty queue
{Q.clone ?Q2}
returns a new functional queue instance Q2 which is a clone of Q