5 Interacting With the Development Tools

This section briefly documents how Mozart's development tools are integrated into the OPI; several of these commands are available from the Oz menu. For more details about the tools themselves, see the individual user manuals. For a description of the feedable regions, see Section 4.3.

The following command is useful for several of the tools.


Remove any coloured bar marking an Oz source line. Such bars are used by the Compiler Panel, the Debugger and the Profiler.


oz-browse-buffer (C-. b C-b)
oz-browse-region START END (C-. b C-r)
oz-browse-line COUNT (C-. b C-l)
oz-browse-paragraph COUNT (C-. b C-p)

Feed the corresponding text region to the Oz Compiler. Assuming it to contain an expression, enclose it by an application of the procedure Browse.


oz-inspect-buffer (C-. i C-b)
oz-inspect-region START END (C-. i C-r)
oz-inspect-line COUNT (C-. i C-l)
oz-inspect-paragraph COUNT (C-. i C-p)

Feed the corresponding text region to the Oz Compiler. Assuming it to contain an expression, enclose it by an application of the procedure Inspect.

System Panel

oz-open-panel (C-. C-. s)

Open the System Panel by feeding the statement {Panel.open} to the Oz Compiler.

Compiler Panel

oz-open-compiler-panel (C-. C-. c)

Open the Compiler Panel by feeding the statement {New CompilerPanel.'class' init(OPI.compiler) _} to the Oz Compiler.


oz-debugger ARG (C-. C-. d)

Open the Oz Debugger by feeding the statement {Ozcar.open} to the Oz Compiler. With ARG, close it instead by {Ozcar.close}.

oz-breakpoint-at-point ARG (C-x SPC)

Set a dynamic breakpoint for the Oz Debugger in any code carrying the current source file name (or buffer name) and line number as debugging information. With ARG, delete any breakpoints at these coordinates instead.


oz-profiler ARG (C-. C-. p)

Open the Oz Profiler by feeding the statement {Profiler.open} to the Oz Compiler. With ARG, close it instead by {Profiler.close}.

Leif Kornstaedt and Denys Duchier
Version 1.4.0 (20080702)