6.2 Distribution

In addition to the conventions used in Section 6.1 the record of start times StartR must have the feature pe. This feature denotes the task which is to be scheduled last, i. e. the makespan of the schedule.


{Schedule.firstsDist +TasksLIvv +StartR +DurR}

distributes the tasks occurring in TasksLIvv, such that every resource is serialized.

More details can be found in [BPN95].


{Schedule.lastsDist +TasksLIvv +StartR +DurR}

distributes the tasks occurring in TasksLIvv, such that every resource is serialized.

More details can be found in [BPN95].


{Schedule.firstsLastsDist +TasksLIvv +StartR +DurR}

distributes the tasks occurring in TasksLIvv, such that every resource is serialized.

More details can be found in [BPN95].


{Schedule.taskIntervalsDistP +TasksLIvv +StartR  

distributes the tasks occurring in TasksLIvv, such that every resource is serialized. This strategy is well suited for proving optimality.

More details can be found in [CL95]. The distribution strategy implemented in Oz differs slightly from the one described in [CL95].


{Schedule.taskIntervalsDistO +TasksLIvv +StartR  

distributes the tasks occurring in TasksLIvv, such that every resource is serialized. This strategy is well suited for finding good solutions in combination with local search techniques.

More details can be found in [CL95]. The distribution strategy implemented in Oz differs slightly from the one described in [CL95].

Denys Duchier, Leif Kornstaedt, Martin Homik, Tobias Müller, Christian Schulte and Peter Van Roy
Version 1.4.0 (20080702)