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In this section the functionality of the Browser is presented. Simultaneously, notions required for reading of the following sections are explained.
The Browser can be invoked by the predefined unary procedure Browse
. For example,
{Browse X}
creates a browser window and shows the current constraint on the variable X
A browser window can be closed via the entry of the menu, or by the C-x keyboard accelerator.
Normally the Browse
procedure is used in the top-level computation space. Browsing from local computation spaces is not concurrent 1, and there is a number of restrictions of the Browser functionality, which are considered in the Section 2.9.
A Browser window (Figure 1.1) consists of a text widget in which browsed information is shown, a menubar and scrollbars. The red button on the right side of the menubar, called the break button, is used to stop browsing as soon as possible.
Menu entries can be active or passive, depending on the Browser state. On the right side of menu entries their keyboard accelerators are specified, if any. Using an accelerator of a (currently) passive entry has no effect.
The view of the text widget can be adjusted by the scrollbars. The number of lines in the text widget depends on information that is browsed, and is limited only by the Tk implementation. Lines in text widget are never wrapped, and its width is determined automatically by the Tk library.
The Browser automatically changes the layout of information shown in its text widget whenever the window size is changed by the user, or user changes the currently used font.
The usual 'cut-and-paste' mechanism can be used with the Browser if you want to paste a part of a term's representation somewhere else. A text fragment is selected like in Emacs or the X11 terminal emulator (xterm), except that the Shift key must be kept pressed during the selection, and that there are no word- or line- selection modes. On Windows, a selected text is copied by means of C-q
The Browser
module exports the following values:
is an Oz class that implements the Browser.
is an instance of Browser.'class'
BrowserObject = {New Browser.'class' init}
is an unary procedure used to tell Browser.object
to browse its argument. It is also available as procedure Browse
in the OPI:
Browse = proc {$ X} {Browser.object browse(X)} end
Methods of the Browser.'class'
are summarized in the Chapter 4.
This section describes the simplest Oz value's representation the Browser supports. In this case the Browser thinks of a value as of a tree that leaf nodes are primitive values and non-leaf nodes are records. Note that equal subtrees are represented as many times as they occur; this is a simplification with respect to the value graph described in Section 2.4. More concise representations are discussed in Section 2.7.
The description is divided into the following issues:
Browsing of arbitrarily deep and wide terms.
Using parenthesis to override the term constructor precedences.
Printing layout for compound terms.
Each (sub)term is shown in a certain viewing form, namely, it can be drawn completely, partially or it can be shrunken:
means that the term is shown if it represents a primitive value, finite domain or a variable; or all its subterm(s) are shown in some form if the term is compound.
means that only the first subterms of the compound term are shown, the rest of them is replaced with '
means that the term is shown in the form ',,,
The form of each (sub)term is determined by values of the width and depth browse limits:
specifies for each compound (sub)term the number of its subterms that are shown, i. e. the number from above.
specifies the depth in a term's representation where subterms are shrunken.
These parameters can be set via the Display Parameters
submenu of the Options
menu. Note that increasing of values Depth
and Width
affects all currently shown terms.
Terms shown by the Browser are built with respect to the Oz term constructor precedences as defined in Oz Notation , and uses round parentheses to override them.
The Browser tries to produce the most compact printing layout for compound terms. Namely, it packs in one row as many subterms as possible, while usual minimal subterm indentation is provided. The only exception of this rule is that record subterms are shown in one column if they don't fit in one row. However, this can be switched off via turning off the option Record Fields Aligned
of the Layout
submenu of the Options
A non-shrunken (sub)term can be shrunken explicitly by means of the Shrink
commands of the Selection
menu. The command is applied to a selection, which is described in Section 2.8. A partially shown or shrunken (sub)term can be expanded:
If a (sub)term was shrunken, it is replaced by a subterm which is Depth
deep, where Depth
is the Browser's current expansion limit. The expansion limits can be set by means of the Display Parameters
submenu of the Options
If a (sub)term was partially shown, its further Width
subterms are viewed, where Width
is the Browser's expansion limit.
Browser draws terms sequentially, in the depth-first, left-to-right fashion, one term after each other. Drawing process can be stopped nearly all the time by pressing the break button (or by using the Break
entry of the Browser
menu). When browsing is being stopped, (sub)term(s) yet to be drawn appear in shrunken form, and started but not yet completed (sub)term(s) appear partially.
More than term can be shown simultaneously in a Browser window. The Browser contains a first-in-first-out buffer where information about browsed terms is kept. The buffer size limits the number of simultaneously shown terms; it can be set via the Buffer
submenu of the Options
menu. All terms in the buffer can be removed via the Clear
entry of the Browser
menu. All terms except the last one can be removed via the Clear All But Last
The Browser can represent a cyclic tree, i.e. a tree-like graph that contains ``backward'' edges (edges starting in a node below its target). A cyclic tree representation is built as follows:
A subterm representing a target node obtains a unique prefix of the form C
, where is a number.
For all backward to that node edges pseudo-nodes are created, which are represented as C
For example, the value of determined by the expression
N = {NewName}
X = a(f1:X f2:N f3:N)
in {Browse X}
is browsed as C1=a(f1:C1 f2:<N: `N`> f3:<N: `N`>)
A textual representation of a value graph described in Section 2.4 is generated using the ``minimal graph'' representation option. Informally speaking, in this mode equal subgraphs are represented only once; all subsequent subgraphs that are equal to an already created one 1 are represented as a reference to it. For instance, the Browser output for the example above would be R1=a(f1:R1 f2:R2=<N: `N`> f3:R2)
The representation options are set by means of the Representation
submenu of the Options
menu, by choosing one of the Tree
, Graph
and Minimal Graph
Note that additional parenthesis are inserted around textual representation of (sub)terms with the prefixes R
or C
, if necessary. For instance, the Browser output of the example:
X = a(1|2|3|b(c) b(c))
in {Browse X}
is a(1|2|3|(R1=b(c)) R1)
The only operation defined on reference names is dereferencing. Its effect is scrolling to a term tagged with the reference name, and selecting it. The Deref
command can be invoked from the Selection
menu or by the keyboard accelerator, similarly to Expand
and Shrink
An arbitrary shown (sub)term can be selected. This is achieved by clicking the left mouse button. Deselection proceeds by clicking the right one. Selected (sub)terms are shown in the text widget on a wheat colored background. Selected (sub)terms are targets for both pre-defined browser operations (like Shrink
and Expand
described in SectionSection 2.5) and user-defined actions.
The Actions mechanism provide for application of unary procedures with the current selection as an argument. There are two predefined actions: Show
and Browse
. There can be user-defined actions, which are added by means of the add
, set
and delete
methods of BrowserClass
P = proc {$ S} {Browse {Value.status S}} end
{Browser add(P label:'Show Status')}
{Browser set(P)}
%% use the action now!
{Browser delete(P)} % delete(all)
{Browser set(Show)}
In this example a new action P
is created (which effect is printing the status of a selection), then it is added (add
) and set (set
) as the current one. At this point user can either click the middle mouse button or use the Apply Action
entry of the Selection
menu in order to invoke it. After that the action is removed, and the predefined Show
is set as the current.
A useful application of this mechanism is the action which equates two subsequent selections:
class UnifyTwoClass from Object.base
prop final locking
attr first: _ state: start
meth click(S)
case @state == start then
{Show 'First...'}
first := S
state := continue
{Show 'Unify!'}
S = @first
state := start
UnifyTwo = {New UnifyTwoClass noop}
proc {UnifyAction S}
{UnifyTwo click(S)}
in skip
Now we can set this action and browse, for instance, a list constructor with two variables:
{Browser createWindow}
{Browser add(UnifyAction)}
{Browser set(UnifyAction)}
{Browser option(representation mode:graph)}
{Browse _|_}
If we will click the middle mouse button subsequently on the list constructor and the second variable, we will get a cyclic list: C1=_|C1
There are the following distinguishing features of using the Browser in a computation space:
Print names of variables, (Oz) names, procedures, cells, chunks, spaces and threads are quoted. For instance, a variable A
will be browsed as `A`
, and not as A
Print names of mentioned above objects are always generated in the extended format, without any respect to the current value of the options Variable Status
and Names And Procedures
Feature constraints are converted to records, that is, their representation does not contain ellipses just before the closing parentheses.
Generally, builiding graph
and minimal graph
representation yields wrong results. For instance, two equal variables are not detected as being equal; whereas two tuples a(_)
and a(_)
are detected as being equal.
The Browser needs much more memory and runtime to perform browsing, in particular when large lists are browsed.
Continuous browsing of big different terms leads to significant memory leakage in the Oz Emulator, which is limited by the total size of a textual representation of all browsed terms.
The differences mentioned above are straightforward once there is the understanding how the Browser works in that case.
The point here is that the Browser operates in the top-level computation space, whereas a constraint describing a value of a given variable can contain variables, names, procedures and so on that belong to the local computation space. These variables cannot occur in constraints in the top-level one; therefore, each constraint browsed in a local computation space is converted to a constraint which does not contain any variables, names and so on this transformation, called here reflection, takes place in the local computation space, where Browse
call was issued. After that the reflected constraint is passed to the top-level computation space by a special builtin, and actually browsed.
The reflection step can take place only once for a browsed constraint; that is, browsing is not concurrent in this case.
Objects of mentioned above types are replaced by atoms during reflection. The number of new atoms created this way is limited by the size of a constraint graph to be browsed. Since atoms are not a subject for garbage collection in the Oz System, the memory consumed by the System grows up.
Since the reflection process must terminate, the Browser builds a minimal graph representation of a constraint, which is passed to the top-level computation space. This explains the computational complexity of browsing in local computation spaces.
Every Browser option that can be set by means of the Options
menu can be set also by means of the option
method of the BrowserClass
. Its format is
There is the complete list of possible options with example values:
option(buffer size:1)
option(buffer separateBufferEntries:false)
option(representation mode:minGraph)
option(representation detailedChunks:true)
option(representation detailedNamesAndProcedures:false)
option(representation detailedVarStatus:false)
option(representation strings:true)
option(representation virtualStrings:false)
option(display depth:100)
option(display width:2000)
option(display depthInc:2)
option(display widthInc:5)
option(layout size:14)
option(layout bold:false)
option(layout alignRecordFields:true)
There is an additional group special
which allows to control the geometry of the Browser window:
option(special xSize:800)
option(special ySize:600)
option(special xMinSize:300)
option(special yMinSize:200)
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