2 Job-Shop Scheduling

Christian Schulte

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The scheduler allows to edit job-shop scheduling problems and to compute schedules for the edited problem.

The applet makes use of scheduling propagators and distributors. More information on scheduling in Oz you can find in Chapter 11 of ``Finite Domain Constraint Programming in Oz. A Tutorial.''.

Edit Jobs


Clicking a resource selects it and makes the resource tool active. While the resource tool is active, the resource of a task can be changed by clicking the task.


Clicking a duration value selects this value and makes the duration tool active. While the duration tool is active, the duration of a task can be changed to the selected value by clicking the task.

Create Task

After clicking this tool, new tasks can be created. Newly created tasks are created as being the last task of a job. The resource and duration of a newly created task is described by the setting of the Resource- and Duration-tool.

Delete Task

After clicking this tool, tasks can be deleted by clicking them.

Schedule Jobs


Resets the scheduling engine.


Searches for a next schedule and displays the schedule found and its maximal span. Search can be interrupted by clicking Stop.


Searches for a best schedule and displays the schedule found and its maximal span. All schedules found in between are displayed together with their maximal span. Search can be interrupted by clicking Stop.


Stops the search for a next or a best schedule.

Search Tree

Displays the search tree of the scheduling problem in the Oz Explorer (see also ``Oz Explorer - Visual Constraint Programming Support'').


Version 1.4.0 (20080702)