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A frequently occuring situation is to have a single server with a port number known to several clients and that all these clients want to connect to that server. For this purpose sockets have the possibility to accept more than a single connection.
The first step is to create the server socket S
with a port number P
S={New Open.socket init}
P={S bind(port:$)}
{S listen}
The clients can connect later to this socket with the port number P
class Accepted from Open.socket
meth report(H P)
{Browse read(host:H port:P read:{self read(list:$)})}
{self report(H P)}
proc {Accept}
{S accept(acceptClass:Accepted
host:?H port:?P accepted:?A)}
{A report(H P)}
Program 5.1: Accepting multiple connections.
How to set up the server is shown in Program 5.1. The procedure Accept
waits until the server socket S
accepts a connection. When a connection is accepted, the variable A
is bound to a newly created object. The object A
is created from the class Accepted
, this is specified by the feature acceptClass
. The newly created object is already connected: Applying the object to the message report(H P)
waits that on the accepted connection data arrives.
The loop to accept connections is started by applying the procedure Accept
Let us assume that we have two clients C1
and C2
that need to connect to the socket with port number P
C1={New Open.socket client(port:P)}
C2={New Open.socket client(port:P)}
After the clients are connected, sending data from the clients is as usual:
{C1 write(vs:'hello from C1')}
As soon as the socket object created by the procedure Accept
receives the data sent from a client, the data appears in the Browser.
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