Mozart Documentation: Reference

Programming Modules and Libraries

The Oz Base Environment

documents all built-in modules of the system. These are part of the language definition and implement the basic operations on the values of the Oz universe. The base modules are typically organized by type, for example the Record module contains all operations on record values.

System Modules

documents all library modules that are delivered with the system. They implement higher-level facilities and can be classified into six thematic collections: Application, Constraint, Distributed, Open, System, and Window Programming.

The Mozart Compiler

documents the application programmer's interface to the compiler.

The Mozart Standard Library

The standard library provides a growing collection of additional modules that extends the functionality available in Mozart beyond that offered by the core modules.

Programming Environment and Tools

The Oz Programming Interface

aka the OPI, is implemented as an Emacs package which permits convenient interactive sessions with a running Mozart system. It also provides oz-mode, with font-lock support, for editing files of Oz code.

Oz Shell Utilities

documents the command line tools (compiler, linker, debugger, profiler) supplied with the system.

The Mozart Debugger

aka ozcar, supports all the traditional features we have come to expect from debuggers, such as the ability to single step, to set break points, to inspect values, etc... Additionally it fully supports the debugging of concurrent programs with multiple threads; their concurrent behaviour can be observed and manipulated. Source code debugging is made available through the OPI with highlighting of the current source line.

Oz Explorer - Visual Constraint Programming Support

The Explorer is a graphical and interactive tool to visualize and analyze search trees. It eases development and debugging of constraint based applications.

Oz Panel

The Panel is a graphical tool to visualize and control the most important parameters of a running Mozart system.

The Oz Browser

The Browser is a concurrent output tool for displaying information about the values of variables.

The Oz Inspector

The Inspector is a graphical and interactive tool for displaying and examining Oz values. It combines fast display with powerful interactive in-place manipulation of datastructures.

The Mozart Profiler

makes it possible to gather data about procedure calls, time spent, and memory allocation. Such information may reveal bottlenecks in your application which it may be worthwhile to optimize.

Gump - A Front-End Generator for Oz

documents Gump, a front-end generator for Oz. Gump reads Oz files with embedded scanner or parser definitions and translates the definitions to Oz code.


Constraint Extensions Reference

explains abstractions provided to extend Mozart constraint capabilities.

Interfacing to C and C++

describes the simple yet powerful interface to dynamically link native C and C++ code to Mozart.


The Oz Notation

defines the Oz syntax and how Oz program text is transformed into Oz Core programs. Oz Core is a sublanguage of Oz designed to minimize syntactic complexity.

Loop Support

documents the for loop syntax.



In general, Mozart has very few system limitations. The few remaining ones are described in this document.

Contributed Libraries, Add-ons

describes contributed software packages that come with Mozart and packages that can be installed as add-ons to Mozart, respectively. Currently a regular expression and a gdbm (gnu database) contributed library are described. An example for an available add-on is the Mozart GTK binding.

MOzart Global User Library

An automated online archive of modules and applications developed by the Mozart user community.

Oz Documentation DTD

describes the Oz documentation format.

Oz Distribution Subsystem

describes how distribution in Mozart is realized and what features Mozart offers to deal with distribution.