23 Emulator Properties: Property

The Property module provides operations to query and possibly update Mozart system-related parameters that control various aspects of the Mozart engine and system modules.

The most important properties can be controlled graphically by means of the Mozart Panel, which is described in ``Oz Panel''.

The properties are accessible to the programmer by operations resembling the operations on dictionaries: Property.put sets a property, whereas Property.get and Property.condGet access properties. The operations are described here in more detail.

23.3 The Programming Interface


{Property.get +LI X}

Returns the property stored under the key LI (a literal or an integer). Raises an exception, if no property with key LI exists.


{Property.condGet +LI X Y}

Returns the property stored under the key LI (a literal or an integer). If no property with key LI exists, X is returned.


{Property.put +LI X}

Stores the property X under key LI (a literal or an integer). Raises an exception, if the property is read-only.

Denys Duchier, Leif Kornstaedt, Martin Homik, Tobias Müller, Christian Schulte and Peter Van Roy
Version 1.4.0 (20080702)