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Problem Specification
There are 32 individually playing golfers who play in groups of 4, so-called foursomes. For every week of the golf tournament new sets of foursomes are to be compiled. The task is to assign foursomes for a given number of weeks such that no player plays with another player in a foursome twice.
Maximal Number of Weeks
The upper bound for the number of weeks is 10 weeks due to the following argument. There are pairing of players. Each foursome takes 6 pairings and every week consists of 8 foursomes, hence, every week occupies 48 pairings. Having only 496 pairings available, at most weeks can be assigned without duplicating foursomes. Unfortunately, only assignments for 9 weeks could be found so far. Fortunately again, this assignment could only be found by solvers using set constraints. Other approaches, using linear integer programming, failed for this problem size.
A foursome is modeled as a set of cardinality 4. A week is a collection of foursomes and all foursomes of a week are pairwise disjoint and their union is the set of all golfers. This leads to a partition constraint. Further, each foursome shares at most one element with any other foursome, since a golfer, of course, may occur in different foursomes but only on his own. Therefore, the cardinality of the intersection of a foursome with any other foursome of the other weeks has to be either 0 or 1.
Distribution Strategy
The distribution strategy is crucial for this problem.1 A player is taken and assigned to all possible foursomes. Then the next player is taken and assigned and so on. This player-wise distribution allows to solve instances of that problems up to 9 weeks. The approach, coming usually into mind first, to distribute a foursome completely, fails even for smaller instances of the problem.
The function Golf
returns a solver to find an assignment for NbOfFourSomes
foursomes per week and NbOfWeeks
weeks duration. The number of players is computed from NbOfFourSomes
and stored in NbOfPlayers
. The auxiliary function Flatten
is used to flatten a list of lists of variables. Its definition is necessary since the library function of the same name works only on ground terms.
The procedure DistrPlayers
implements the player-wise distribution strategy. It tries to create for every player on every foursome a choice point by simply enumerating all players and iterating for each player over all foursomes.
The variable Weeks
holds NbOfWeeks
weeks. A week is a list of foursomes. A foursome is modeled as a set. All sets are subsets of and have exactly 4 elements. Further, the sets modeling the foursomes of a week form a partition of the set . These constraints are imposed by the first ForAll
The following nested loops (ForAllTail
and ForAll
) impose that every foursome shares at most one element with any other foursome of other weeks. Finally, the distribution procedure is called with a flattened copy of Weeks
, i. e., a list of all foursomes.
fun {Golf NbOfWeeks NbOfFourSomes}
NbOfPlayers = 4*NbOfFourSomes
fun {Flatten Ls}
{FoldL Ls fun {$ L R}
if R==nil then L
else {Append L R} end
end nil}
proc {DistrPlayers AllWeeks Player Weeks}
case Weeks
of FourSome|Rest then
dis {FS.include Player FourSome} then
{DistrPlayers AllWeeks Player Rest}
[] {FS.exclude Player FourSome} then
{DistrPlayers AllWeeks Player Rest}
if Player < NbOfPlayers then
{DistrPlayers AllWeeks Player+1 AllWeeks}
else skip end
proc {$ Weeks}
Weeks = {MakeList NbOfWeeks}
{ForAll Weeks
proc {$ Week}
Week =
NbOfFourSomes [1#NbOfPlayers]}
{ForAll Week proc {$ FourSome}
{FS.card FourSome 4}
{FS.partition Week
{FS.value.make [1#NbOfPlayers]}}
{ForAllTail Weeks
proc {$ WTails}
case WTails
of Week|RestWeeks then
{ForAll Week
proc {$ FourSome}
{ForAll {Flatten RestWeeks}
proc {$ RestFourSome}
{FS.cardRange 0 1
FourSome RestFourSome}}
else skip end
FlattenedWeeks = {Flatten Weeks}
{DistrPlayers FlattenedWeeks 1 FlattenedWeeks}
Invoking the solver by {ExploreOne {Golf 9 8}}
produces the following search tree.
The search tree has a depth of 200 which makes the problem a good candidate for recomputation. Invoking the search engine with a computation depth of one 2 requires 64.1 MB of heap memory. On the other hand an recomputation depth of 10 3 decreases the required heap memory to 19.3 MB.
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declare S = {Search.one.depth {Golf 9 8} 1 _}
declare S = {Search.one.depth {Golf 9 8} 10 _}